Eva van Emden (she/her), freelance editor

Certified copy editor and proofreader


Freelance editor—certified copy editor and proofreader

Head and shoulders picture of me. I'm a white woman in my forties with long dark-brown hair streaked with grey. I'm wearing a striped shirt and standing in front of a black background. I am a full-time freelance editor with more than ten years’ experience. I edit a wide variety of materials, including scientific, technical, and medical writing. I am a certified copy editor and proofreader with Editors Canada.

Editing skills

Editorial certifications

Certified copy editor with Editors Canada, 2016
Certified proofreader with Editors Canada, 2015

Editing certificate programs

Simon Fraser University Writing and Publishing Program selected courses: copy editing, proofreading, grammar, indexing

Poynter News University Poynter ACES Certificate in Editing completed


  • Editors Canada Conference 2011, 2015, 2016, 2022, 2023
  • ACES Virtual Conference 2023
  • Northwest Editors Guild Red Pencil Conference 2011, 2015
  • Workshops and seminars

  • Editors BC professional development seminars on a variety of topics, including grammar, syntax, usage, advanced editing skills, copyright law, plain language, fact checking, research, writing for the web, editing narrative and fiction, and children’s fiction
  • 2SLGBTQ+ Awareness and Inclusive Language with Dr. Reece Malone, DHS, MPH, CSES, CST
  • Poynter News University Make Design More Inclusive: Defeat Unconscious Bias in Visuals and Math and Numeracy Primer: How to Write about Numbers
  • Tyee master class on copyright and libel: Responsible Journalism in 2012: The Changing Legal Landscape for Journalists, with Leo McGrady
  • Professional affiliation

    Member of Editors Canada (2009–present). See my listing in the Online Directory of Editors.

    Scientific and academic background

    Biology (BSc)

    Ecology, botany, statistics, bioinformatics, biochemistry, genetics, and virology. Bioinformatics programming.

    Computer science (MSc)

    Software engineering and software visualization; software development experience.

    Community college courses

    Medical terminology course.


    Eva van Emden and Leon Moonen. “Java Quality Assurance by Detecting Code Smells.” In Proceedings of the Ninth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (IEEE Computer Society Press, 2002) 107–117. Elected Most Influential Paper for WCRE 2012.

    Languages spoken


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